1 page, 2° (?), with 30 staves (only 19 of which were used), comprising 36 bars.
In 1906 Puccini gave this manuscript to his friend, the composer Francesco Paolo Tosti (1846-1916), with the following dedication at the end of the music: “al mio carissimo F. P. Tosti / questo germe primo [this first embryo] / di Bohème / Milano G. Puccini / 1. aprile [1]906” (see 63.D.1). According to Paolone 1969, Tosti subsequently gave this manuscript to an anonymous pupil.
The manuscript represents the finished composition, since it is nearly void of corrections. However, the first two bars for the piano are lacking and there is a different vocal line in bars 22/23 (bars 24/25 in 63.E.1).